you're here for a reason

You’re here for a reason.

You are a temporary, multidimensional and unique expression of Source.

And you’re here for a reason.
Not that you are more or less than other earthlings.
You just have another mission.

You’re not here to fear increasing levels of control in Old Earth…
Or to fight the old.

You’re here to help shape the New Earth.
So that Old Earth 🌍 can dissolve into nothingness.

Focusing consciousness on what is happening in Old Earth is fine!

Consciousness = light.

And light transmutes low vibrational energy into high vibrational energy.

But above all, focus on embodying the New Earth.
By being yourself!

You’re already here.

If you let go of the stories, the fear, the struggle and the worry…
Then Old Earth turns out not to be as scary as it seemed.
Then you will immediately experience the New Earth.

The “measures” the “scare stories” the “control mechanisms” they are mindfucks.

Mankind is being framed…

But you come from a 5D+ world.
In previous incarnations you lived on other planets where the consciousness is already 5D+!

That’s why, deep down, you’re so sure you can.

And you come to bring that to Earth 🌎.
Your knowledge and experience of how it can be.

A New Earth
A Terra Nova
A 5D+ company
A world in harmony

You know deep down that it can exist.
Because you yourself have lived in worlds like that.

Now is the time to bring those worlds to Earth.
By living in a 5D+ world here on Earth.

Just like that.

And you will find that all illusion dissolves bit by bit.
Is that easy?
No, certainly not all the time.

It requires decisiveness, trust and courage.
Especially at the times when you are faced with the 3D control measures.

But I know you can do it.
And we do it together.
There are millions of us!

Our moment is now.
Full focus on the New Earth.

For the good of all!

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are you worried about the new measures

Are you worried about the new measures?

Then you feed them.
Focus on the timeline you want.

And know that there are millions of lightworkers worldwide who do the same.

Many master light workers on Earth and elsewhere in our galaxy are working to change the timeline on our planet.
Let’s help them.

Together we can make the new timeline manifest.

From the current line to even more 3D power, fear and control, to the 5D+ timeline of freedom, love and wisdom.

That really doesn’t mean you have to close your eyes to what’s going on in the world…
You can just have consciousness on it.
You can even take to the streets if you feel you have to.

But take the emotion out of it.

Worrying, fighting, anger, fear and powerlessness make the 3D timeline stronger.

Compassion, understanding, wisdom, joy and trust make the 5D+ timeline more powerful.

Focus on what you do want.
Override the measures.

And know that you are not alone.
Many of us already live in the 5D+ timeline.

You’re anything but alone.

We are in this together.


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The rich get richer and the poor get poorer

The rich get richer, the poor get poorer

The corona crisis led to bankruptcies and layoffs.
The poor in third world countries in particular became even poorer at an even faster pace due to the lack of tourism and other factors, and the number of people and children dying of hunger increased exponentially.

There is a huge increase in the consequences of growing poverty: human trafficking, poaching, child prostitution, overpopulation, deforestation, exploitation and abuse.

In the Parool I read an article about the richest people in the world. At the moment the earth counts 2755 billionaires who have a combined wealth of €13,100,000,000.

Read that again…
It really says…
Together, less than three thousand people have a wealth of thirteen thousand hundred billion dollars.

Why? What would they do with that much money?
Millions of people are starving to death…
There are billions of people living below the poverty line…
And these rich people have scandalously enriched themselves even more.

And are thus partly responsible for the increased human trafficking, overpopulation and poaching of wild animals.

Mind you, I’m not talking about tononairs and millionaires.
Not even about multimillionaires…
I’m talking about people with tens of billions of dollars.

With all kinds of NGO’s and Foundations these puissant rich try to give something back to the world. For example, they invest in vaccines and malaria nets for hungry children in India and Africa.
Vaccines from which they themselves then become richer through their shares in the pharmaceutical industry.

86% of the world’s richest saw their wealth grow in the past year, despite the coronavirus that hit so many.

In total, their wealth increased by five trillion dollars. Think about that…

And so the wealth of the poor and middle class declined by five trillion dollars….
After all, it has to come from somewhere, right?

If you then look at who the leading billionaires are, something stands out.

Jeff Bezos, Amazon, ($177 billion)
Elon Musk, Tesla, ($155 billion)
Bernard Arnault, Louis Vuitton,
Bill Gates, Microsoft
Mark Zuckerburg, Facebook
Larry Page, Google
Sergey Brin, Google

Think about it.
Which companies benefited the most from the corona crisis?
Those included Amazon, Google , Microsoft (Also LinkedIn) and Facebook….
Which companies have done the most censoring when it comes to alternative truths about the crisis?
Right, these same companies.

Why are people like Gates, Bezos and Zuckerburg believed in their blue eyes and so few question their real agendas?
Not to mention that they are all affiliated with the World Economic Forum. The father of the Great Reset.

I wonder when the eyes will open with the masses.

If a few thousand people have so much wealth while others are dying of poverty, something is not right.
If a few thousand people are sucking the money out of society, encouraging human trafficking, child prostitution and overpopulation, then something is wrong.
If a few thousand people are getting richer from a crisis that is ruining millions, then something is not right.
If the companies that censor truths other than the official story are the very companies that are getting rich off the same crisis, then something is not right.

Of course there is Universal abundance. But somewhere something goes wrong in manifesting it. If it were not so, one person’s getting richer would not come at the expense of another’s poverty….

What about us? We let it all happen. We are neither rich nor poor. We have been conditioned with the illusion that it is normal for the rich to get richer and the poor to get poorer. We close our eyes to all those people who are dying of hunger. For human trafficking, for child prostitution, for deforestation…

We live our lives as comfortably as possible. We take care of ourselves and our loved ones as best we can. And occasionally transfer some to one of those aforementioned NGOs….

And we make full use of the services of these organizations. We buy on Amazon, communicate via Facebook, Whatsapp and LinkedIn, write in Microsoft Word and Google if we want to know something…

Don’t get me wrong, I’m just as guilty of that as others (though I don’t buy on Amazon and app through Signal).

And are thus in effect complicit in the criminal self-enrichment of the rich, at the expense of so many….

What can we do to reverse this movement? This has puzzled me for years. How could we redistribute power fairly among humanity…

How could we make these mega-rich people realize how damaging their way of doing things is….
and would they really care?

Would the collective awakening of human consciousness come in time to reverse this movement?

What do you think?

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I need to get something off my chest

I need to get something off my chest

Sweet people,

I need to get something off my chest…
For some time now, I’ve been watching what’s happening with dismay.
How spiritual friends get the nastiest insinuations thrown at them…

How people I so respect and admire are put down as so-called “controlled opposistion”….

Actually, I just want to say one thing to the well-meaning people who are so busy being judgmental (and I really do write this with love):

Stop it! Stop it!

Stop turning everything to the negative.

Please stop blackening all those people who serve the light.

Of all those light souls who are pilloried without a shred of evidence.

The con is trying to frame these people and you’re falling for it! And by doing so, you feed the unlit!

It’s done now! (I still write in love)
Surely phenomena like Q-Anon must be finished by now…

For a while, I also believed in the 10-day internet breakdown.
It never happened
And none of the predictions after that have come true!
None of them!!!

Shall we just stop doing that then?

Q was a clever way for Donald Trump’s adviser Roger Stone to frame the Democrats as the source of all evil.

And masses of people fell for it.

Q was a political tool that took advantage of the real awakening of humanity.

(Just watch the docu “Get me Roger Stone” on Netflix from before Q, you’ll see enough).

Yes there is a Great awakening going on
I couldn’t agree more.

But, uh…
The Great awakening is a Universal movement of which no human being is the cause.
The ocean is waking up and so are the waves.

The collective human consciousness is awakening and with it, all humans…
There’s no way around it… (and fortunately so)

It is a galactic movement that manifests through us.
Not something directed by someone or something.

Films like Janet Ossebaard’s make us all think. But they are her interpretation of reality.
Not the truth (and I write this with respect and love).

Of course the leftist 2030 agenda that Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum and all the families, individuals and corporations involved are working on is a danger.

They are trying to control the awakening of humanity ‘top down’.

But so does the straight agenda of figures like Trump.

Trump is funded by oil barons like the Koch Brothers, who have their own interests and just want more power and money.

My Indian friends can tell you exactly what the damage is of the policy of Trump.
See the documentary

More than a pipeline

and you’ll know.

(Still in love I write)

Stop it!
Please, just…

When will it become clear that left and right are two wings of the same bird?
Klaus Schwab and Donald Trump serve the same unlit…

The only true awakening is that of the HEART!
The awakening of humanity from below to above. Bottom up, not top down.

Not by a false Messiah,
But an inner awakening of us all!!!

Stop with the nonsense and focus on reality.
To love.
On light.

You don’t have to deny the unlight.

Yes, there are massive pedophile networks and yes, we can all contribute to solving them.

Yes, there is an Elite oppressing humanity and yes, we can free ourselves by no longer giving them permission to oppress us.

Yes, there are people and families of whom there is convincing evidence that they serve the unlit.

Yes, there are dark forces controlling the Elite. All you have to do is read the novel

2044 The mystery of the fifth dimension

to read
to get an idea of what it’s like.

But it doesn’t help to pigeonhole everyone.

There is no point in making heinous accusations against people like the Dalai Lama that are utterly unsubstantiated.

That’s what feeds the unlit.

Stop at!!!!

Stop overshooting and looking for something behind everything.
There’s a limit…
And that limit has been reached as far as I am concerned.

Let us together shine light on the unlit.
Not by judgments and accusations that only feed the illumination.
Not through impotence, fear, struggle and anger that only make the unlight stronger.

But by actual light.
Through compassion…
And wisdom…
And love…
And especially through forgiveness.

We are being manipulated from all sides.
We get sucked into their stories by the left and the right.
That’s all illusion…

The only way is through your own heart.
From your inner compass.

For your heart is the gateway to your Soul
And the Soul is the gateway to the Source.

That’s enough now.
Stop it, stop it.
Stop it! Stop it!

If you please…

We’re all human.
We are all in this together.

Together we can make something beautiful out of it.
A New Earth.
A new reality.

Of love…

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People are so eager for a truth...

People want a truth so badly

Every person is in search of his or her own truth.

Some say God, others Allah…

Some say left, some say right…

Some people believe in reincarnation, others don’t believe in anything…

Some people believe in vaccination, others don’t…

One person thinks is decent what another thinks is outrageous.

There are so many truths, and they all color the world like light through a stained glass window.

History has shown that it becomes dangerous when one truth prevails.

The horrors of the Catholic Church, the Nazis and colonisation are still very clear in our minds.

“Never again” we say.

And rightly so.

Only now, a strange situation has arisen…

One half of the people seem to care about the truth of the other half and vice versa.

The Right Blames the Left for Globalism and Totalitarianism….

The left accuses the right of racism, discrimination and anti-Semitism.

They call each other fascists nowadays…

People who believe the official narrative point to people who don’t get vaccinated that they are contagious.

People who don’t believe the official narrative point out to people who do get vaccinated that they are contagious.

They call each other dangerous…

Can you see the humour in that?

We make it so terribly hard on ourselves and each other…

And I say very lovingly:

Does it show wisdom when someone identifies with something as superficial as opinions and truths?

Or judging someone else on that?

What if we leave all those truths for what they are?

I myself try to apply this as much as possible.

I have friends on the left and on the right.

Spiritual and atheistic people around me

I have intimates who do and do not get vaccinated.

I deal with people of different faiths.

People with different opinions and truths.


All those truths color my life.

I learn so much from in-depth conversations with people who look at the world very differently than I do.

Opinions and truths can simply coexist.

As long as one doesn’t seize power it’s fine.

Because you’re not your opinion, neither is the other….

Not your thoughts and emotions…

Not your beliefs and ideas…

You are not your truth, neither is the other….

No one is…

Let’s stop identifying with a truth. So pointless…

And open to all truths.

And if we can see the soul of our fellow man.

And be able to have a heart-to-heart connection.

Then it matters much less what anyone else thinks.

Then you can learn from each other.

And enjoy it together.

Of the infinite color palette of existence.

Have a nice day!


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A spiritual misunderstanding...

A spiritual misunderstanding

There has been a spiritual misunderstanding for a few hundred years that does no good to humanity, nature or the planet.

Some spiritual activists and lightworkers are told that they should not be so preoccupied with the outside world…

Not so preoccupied with suffering outside himself. Not so preoccupied with the illusion around them.

Spiritual development can only take place within yourself they say.

I essentially agree with that. It is first of all about inner realization.

Only I suspect that there is a limited view among certain people of what that ‘inner world’ embraces.

And this limited view is used as an excuse to not have to take responsibility for the well-being of everything that lives.

Let me explain:

Every human being is the Source In the temporary, multidimensional and unique manifestation of a human being.

Every human being is one with everything that is…

Wave and ocean at the same time.

Human and Universe at the same time.

Just look at yourself.

You are all that is, so all that is takes place within you.

Everything is in your inner world.




All people, all animals, mother earth, all energies, all beings, all stars, all planets, all matter and non-matter are in you.

So how can you be outwardly focused if you are reaching out to something within yourself?

There is no outside world at all.

So also suffering like the refugee crisis, bio-industry, oppression, abuse, slavery, human trafficking, animal extinction, pollution, war, child pornography are all taking place in you.

It takes place in every human being and is all part of everyone’s responsibility.

Mind you, I’m not talking about blame…

So when you take that responsibility and do something about that suffering you are dealing with your inner world. Clear, right?

The Dalai Lama says:

Love × Wisdom = Compassion

What does he mean by that?

When you multiply love for yourself with the wisdom that you are everything and everyone, you develop a love for every human and animal called compassion.

Isn’t it nice…

Out of compassion and love (not out of fear and anger) working in the (inner) world to end suffering.

That’s spiritual activism. That’s Lightwork…

There… now we can also let go of this misunderstanding about inner world and outer world and no longer have to hide behind it.

And can we all take responsibility

And getting into action mode for a world in harmony.

Nice work on ourselves.

Fine. 😉 –

X Robert

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the next generation

Future generations

I am sometimes asked why I have three children. In this overpopulated world you don’t want to put any more children on earth, do you? Or at least as little as possible? I’ll share with you how I see it.

I think it is important that conscious people also give children passage to earth. Conscious children, or new age children, are more important than ever.

Most lightworkers have had a hard time in their youth. Growing up as conscious children with unconscious parents meant they felt misunderstood and life was often a struggle.

Their spiritual gifts such as clairvoyance and clairsentience were generally not understood, or even denied. The fact that new age children experience reality very differently from their family members can also lead to difficult situations, and deep feelings of not being good enough.

After a long struggle, there was finally the awakening in later life….
All the conditioning and trauma of childhood then had to be cleaned up.
The brainwashing of the Matrix had to be cleaned up bit by bit.

Only then did the soul mission slowly unfold.
A long and hard road for most lightworkers.
An instructive path too, of course, but also painful, debilitating and time-consuming.

Children born to conscious parents do not have this. They are immediately understood and supported in their light work.

Not that conscious parents don’t make mistakes, by the way. These kids have plenty to clean up when they grow up, too.
Only they are aware of it.

Spirituality is instilled in them and their wisdom and spiritual gifts are recognized and even encouraged. Their parents help them find their soul mission.

These kids don’t need to wake up. They are and will remain awake. Therefore, it is much easier for them to devote themselves to their lightworker mission.

From an early age, they can make a commitment to humanity, nature and Mother Earth. They are not bewitched by the brainwashing of the Matrix, but see right through all the illusions.

They are free to make a difference on earth.

It is up to us to support and guide them. Not us, but they are the ones we have been waiting for all this time.

The next seven generations!
X Robert Bridgeman

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Are you born a lightworker

Are you born a lightworker?

Are you born a lightworker? How many are there in the Netherlands? And what exactly is the mission of lightworkers? These are all questions that you have, we notice. So it’s high time for Robert Bridgeman, spiritual teacher, author and lightworker, to have his say. He has all the answers for you!

The mission of lightworkers is: guiding the transition to the New Earth.

What is a lightworker?

Simply put, lightworkers are old and experienced souls who incarnated as humans to support Mother Earth and humanity in the consciousness shift of this moment. Our planet is transitioning from the third to the fifth dimension of consciousness and beyond. These are not places, but vibrations. The higher the vibration, the closer to the Source of everything, the more conscious and the more love and light.

Because the earth makes this movement, humanity has no choice but to move with it. After all, we are partly the earth: in the temporary form of a human being. The fifth dimension is also called the New Earth. This is a world of conscious people living from the heart, in harmony with themselves, each other, nature and the earth. And to help with this transition process, there are lightworkers.

How do I become a lightworker?

Lightworkers have a high vibration at birth. You cannot become a lightworker during your life – you are born as a lightworker! It’s not a choice to be one. Often lightworkers initially forget that they are on earth with a mission. I didn’t discover I was one until I was 29. In my youth I was looking for the meaning of life, but in adulthood I didn’t want anything to do with spirituality. I was allergic to words like energy and meditation.

What are the characteristics of a lightworker?

The average lightworker often feels different from those around them. Lightworkers are individualists and almost all have some kind of homesickness. They feel like a ‘stranger’ on earth. Most lightworkers have known lives on other planets and are here with a clear mission. And when that is completed, they are allowed to go home again. But whether in this life or the next, they do not know.

Another characteristic of lightworkers is that they cannot stand authority and hierarchy from ego. This ‘resistance’ often manifests itself in youth towards parents, teachers and employers. Also, lightworkers are often born helpers. Many are found in healthcare. And the enormous growth of the number of coaches in the world has everything to do with the increasing number of awakened lightworkers. Most lightworkers are gentle, have well-developed empathy and are highly sensitive. These and more characteristics can be found in the book ‘Conversations with Jeshua’ by Pamela Kribbe.

What is the pitfall of a lightworker?

The empathy of lightworkers is often directed towards all living beings, including animals, trees, plants… The average lightworker is very concerned about the earth and everything that lives on it. This is not surprising if you know his mission: to guide the transition to the New Earth. The disadvantage of this empathy is that many lightworkers easily pick up emotions and sensations from others. If they are not trained to let go of it, it can lead to emotional and physical problems.

Are lightworkers special people?

Not all lightworkers find the term lightworker a fine description. This is because of the connotations people may have with the word. That lightworkers feel better than others for example… Of course there are lightworkers who have a ‘spiritual ego’, but most of them really do realise that they have a serving role towards the planet and humanity. It can be hard to be awake, though. It is sometimes described as being sober at a party where everyone is drunk. You are neither more nor less, but very different.

Which professions are suitable for lightworkers?

You can roughly divide the professions of lightworkers into a few categories. Many lightworkers quit their jobs or businesses after their awakening and go in a different direction. Not all of them, of course. Fortunately, there are also many lightworkers who choose to keep their jobs. They enlighten companies and institutions from the inside out.

Lightworkers who are self-employed remarkably often choose one of the following six roles. There are the Messengers: the speakers, trainers and writers. You have the Healers: the coaches, psychologists, therapists, energy workers and healers. The third group consists of the Alchemists: researchers, scientists and truth seekers. In group four you will find the Activists: the conservationists, volunteers in for example refugee camps and demonstrators. Then you have the Artists: the singers, dancers and musicians. And finally the Organisers: the networkers, financiers, entrepreneurs, web specialists and arrangers. You often see lightworkers covering multiple, sometimes all, categories.

How many lightworkers are there?

There are more lightworkers on earth than you would think! It is estimated that there are more than a million of them in the Netherlands alone. When I was with a group recently teachers created the Facebook platform ‘From 3D to 5D’, we had more than 500.000 visitors in the first month. It’s called “Studio New Earth” now, by the way. It’s pretty telling that a spiritual non-profit platform attracts so many people.

Slowly but surely lightworkers are getting better organized. They seek to connect with each other. More and more centers of consciousness are emerging worldwide and these centers connect to each other to form a 5D network. In the Netherlands too, networks such as the Amsterdam Wise Tribe of Tijn and Binkie Touber. There is also a growing number of online meetings and conferences.

You discover that you are a lightworker… and then?

More and more lightworkers are daring to come out for their spirituality. I sometimes call this time the great coming out of lightworkers. That doesn’t always go smoothly. Many lightworkers have had intense spiritual past lives, in which they experienced terrible things as victims, but also as perpetrators. Many awakening lightworkers go through a painful transformation process during the first few years, in which they cleanse their dark karma and old pains. Subsequently, the spiritual development of lightworkers is mainly about raising their vibrational level.

How does the awakening process of a lightworker go?

I sometimes compare the awakening process of a lightworker with that of Harry Potter. Writer J.K. Rowling is also a lightworker in my opinion… First Harry discovers that he is not a normal person, but a wizard. A whole world is opening up to him! Next, it turns out that in that world there are both light and dark wizards. It’s not all good. So it is also in lightworker-land. You will encounter white magic, but also black magic. It’s really up to you to find your way. Use your inner compass.

Is there an education for lightworkers?

There are no training courses to lightworker. But there are trainings especially for lightworkers. There are many methods to raise your vibration level. One lightworker swears by meditation, another by ayahuasca, a third by channelings and a fourth does it all. An important point is the transformation process of, for example, old traumas, limiting beliefs and karma from other lives. When lightworkers focus only on the light and let the darkness sit, it becomes a spiritual bypass called.

What does a lightworker do?

Our planet is transitioning from the third to the fifth dimension of consciousness and beyond. The mission of lightworkers is: guiding the transition to the New Earth. A world where we live together in love and harmony. Each lightworker fulfils this mission in his or her own unique way. There is no single form of lightwork. Lightworkers are just people, so they all have different ideas, visions and perspectives that can clash.

Most lightworkers are concerned with the suffering in the world. They shine light on the darkness to transform it. What you focus on, that grows, they say. This is true to a certain extent. Attention from consciousness and love transmutes what it is directed at. Lightworkers ask for attention for refugee camps, the bio-industry or certain conspiracies. Not out of struggle or fear, but out of love and a desire for a world in harmony.

Written by Robert Bridgeman on

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Paravision aliens ufo

Where are they? (Paravision article)

It is now 2021 and they are still not there. Every day countless people are eagerly looking forward to the landing of UFOs on earth. For example, in 2012, when many suspected the end of times, hundreds of people stood on the mountain of Bugarach, here near our house in Cathar country. There was a whole media circus around it that wanted to see if any extraterrestrial vehicles would land. Perhaps the believers on the holy mountain would be taken to other planets. Nothing happened…

Where are they? Our more evolved brothers and sisters from outer space? Are they abandoning us? Did they make a deal with our governments not to show up? Yet they are seen. In 2020, the UFO hotline of the Netherlands received a record number of reports of unknown objects in the sky. Even here in the Pyrenees where I live, when the sky is a bit clear, you can see numerous objects that do not fly in a straight path like satellites and airplanes, but make fast movements. Often individuals, sometimes more than one flying in formation. But no UFO landed in our backyard.

Why are there these hundreds of thousands of eyewitness accounts of people who saw UFOs. Of people being abducted by aliens for experiments? Why are so many U.S. military personnel who worked at nuclear missile launch bases who have testified under oath to having seen UFOs? So many pilots declaring the same thing? Where did the inspiration for books like UFO’s just exist come from Dutch scientist Dr. Ir. Coen Vermeeren? Or the Disclosure Project of the American Steven M. Greer? While they just don’t seem to want to land and shake hands with our world leaders? According to a large-scale study by NASA’s Ames Research Center in California, there are more than five billion Earth-like planets in our Milky Way alone. Then it can’t be that we’re the only ones in the Universe, can it? Anyone who puts a little research time into it comes to the same conclusion: UFOs exist and are numerous. But they don’t land, where is the first contact…?

The answer? They landed a long time ago. A very long time ago. Long before humanity was created 200,000 years ago (by alien races) they were there. The Annunaki, the Reptilians, the Pleiadians, the Lyrans, the Arcturians, the Syrians and many other races. When humanity appeared on the scene, these aliens became our gods. The Egyptian, Norse, Greek, Celtic, Hindu and South American gods, among others, were all extraterrestrial beings that had evolved to the point where they were worshipped by humans. In Genesis, the first book of the Bible, the Christian god is referred to as the Elohim. Which is translated as multiple gods. Later, because of political agendas, this was reduced to one god. Yahweh was mistaken for the original Source and took his place on Earth, under his explicit command to worship no other gods but him (which says it all). The extraterrestrial ‘gods’ have played a huge role in the creation, evolution and decline of civilizations throughout our history. And they continue to do so to this day.

Our society is controlled from the very top by alien races from the fourth dimension like (Draco) Reptillians and Greys. Invisible to humans, who find themselves in the third dimension, they call the shots and rule the world via a human elite. They have no interest in being seen through by the rest of the people and have no intention of landing anywhere. They prefer to remain active in the shadows. This has been the case since the fall of Atlantis some 13,000 years ago. Since 2012, however, we have been living in a new era. The world is rapidly ascending. Our vibration increases. Because the axis of Mother Earth is turning ever closer to the heart of the Milky Way, the planet and with it everything and everyone that lives in and on her is moving into an ever higher dimension of consciousness. We let go of the third dimension of the past three thousand years and climb, via the fourth, to the fifth, sixth, even thirteenth dimension (that last one will take some time). The alien races from the fourth dimension are suddenly becoming visible to more and more people. So do their mechanisms of oppression, with all the consequences that entails. Humanity rebels and releases them.

Slowly but surely we are getting closer in vibration to our Galactic, humanoid, brothers and sisters from the higher dimensions. The Arcturians, the Pleadians, the Syrians, the Lyrans, the Andromeans, and countless other races that are benevolent to us. Together they form the Galactic Federation. They are not gods and we do not have to worship them, we can learn from them and work with them. We have been difficult for them to reach for the past few thousand years because of the low vibration of consciousness of the third dimension. This allowed the fourth dimensional beings to have free rein, but it’s different now. Because more and more people are reaching a 5D+ consciousness, leaving the third and fourth dimension behind, there are more and more world citizens who can communicate with these highly developed beings. Where once only a single oracle could communicate with the “gods”, today there are countless mediums, healers, light workers, channelers and others who communicate with our extraterrestrial friends. More and more people speak the so-called Light language, which is a collective name for countless ancient and extraterrestrial languages such as Pleiadian, Syrian and Arcturian. We can all make contact with them. They are all around us and are eager to help us in our ascension process. The events on Mother Earth at this time have the keen interest of all humanoids in this Galaxy and beyond. Our fate is intertwined with theirs. Before long, our collective consciousness will be such that we will be able to meet them in the flesh. Meanwhile, for thousands of years they have been doing what they can to help us. They intervened in potential planetary catastrophes such as atomic bomb explosions. They monitor military bases to prevent, for example, nuclear missiles being fired into other countries. And they help neutralize 5G and vaccine effects. Our Galactic friends communicate with us through crop circles, channelers and galactic downloads. It is their clearly perceptible presence, combined with humanity’s growth in consciousness, that makes me positive about our collective destiny. As humans ourselves, we mature in the fifth dimension and are given the tips & tricks by our bigger brothers and sisters to clean up the mess we made in the third dimension.

Author: Robert Bridgeman

From Paravisie Magazine, June 2021 edition. Available at this link.

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5 tips on letting go of loved ones who don't resonate

5 tips on letting go of loved ones who don’t resonate

5 tips on letting go of loved ones who don’t resonate with the awakened you

We all lose people during the awakening process.
Sometimes waking up can be a very lonely experience….
Relatives you no longer resonate with…
(And she no longer with you).
Friends who don’t understand you anymore…
(And you not them).
They’re letting go.
Some loved ones will even ridicule you, or attack you.
We all suffer from it.
And frankly, it’s not pretty.
I’ve lost a lot of people too.
And I’ve also let go of quite a few old friends.
Sometimes very painful…
The good news is that you get new friends in return.
🌹Friends who resonate better with who you are deep down.
🌹Friends who are also on the path of awakening.
🌹Friends who understand you and you them.
🌹Friends you’ve hung out with for a lifetime.
You can feel it at the first meeting.
The deep connection…
As if you’ve always known each other (and you have).
🌹Friends you’ve made soulful appointments with.
To find each other again in this life.
The old makes way for the new.
However, the old must first be let go, before the new can present itself….
That can feel very vulnerable and fearful.
You let someone go, while you don’t know yet who will come in their place… that takes trust.
It’s a Universal Law:
🕊The painful processes of letting go precede the blessed reunions.🕊
Therefore, try not to grab people who are letting go, but let them go….
5 tips on letting go:
1. Forgive them and forgive yourself.
2. Transform the energetic ties, hooks and connections between you.
3. Break the karmic contracts you have with them and neutralize your karma.
4. Fill the space between you with so much light that there can be no more negativity.
5. Be grateful for what you had together….
And then continue on your path.
Trust the process…
Other people, who are an even better fit for you, will take their place in your life.
X Robert Bridgeman

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