Crystal Initiation

Biography Ariëtte Loeffen

Ariëtte Love Loeffen is a pioneer whose mission is to support people, through the power of Love, to go beyond illusions and experience the peace of the Heart. She inspires them to become free of limitations that have kept them from seeing the Truth of themselves and the perfection of Life. So that people remember what it is like to be as they really are and live out their mission.

During her life Ariëtte has received many initiations and activations, through which she is now able to do very powerful Lightwork with high frequencies and energies; like the Krystal (Christ-ALL) Light Codes. This has a profound impact on the lives of those she works with. Ariëtte has a strong connection with Isis, Mary Magdalene & Yeshua; she contributes in her own way to restoring ‘the Christ Consciousness’ on earth.

Within HeartSoulutions, she offers her services (including mentorship, activations/initiations, coaching/healing, spiritual journeys/retreats) both 1-on-1 and in groups, physically and online, in the Netherlands and abroad.

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